What Clients Say

Thank you for helping me through the most difficult time in my life

Brian Elsevier


Thank you Larry! Thank you for helping me through the most difficult time in my life with my wife getting killed in an automobile accident and my becoming a widower with three young girls.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Thank you for showing me the power of choice and gratitude.
Thank you for the love and friendship you have given me.

Brian Elsevier

Your patience and ability to listen have allowed me to find my way

Patricia Des Jardin

“You’ve been an excellent mentor that has brought great clarity, joy, purpose and fulfillment into my life.

Your patience and ability to listen have allowed me to find my way while your ability to know when to push gently have enabled me to move forward.
I am forever grateful. Thank you.

Patricia Des Jardin

You helped me clarify my life priorities and focus my business and talent to be more fulfilled

Bruce Bennett


I struggled working in my business for several years, with great financial success, but I was unhappy. When I started working with you, you helped me clarify my life priorities and focus my business and talent to be more fulfilled. Once I had that clarity and took action I’ve been amazed how easy, straightforward, and fun life can be.

My business has tripled in the three years since we’ve worked together and now instead of being frustrated, I’m continually amazed at the opportunities that come my way, and my ability to make choices about them. Thank you!

Bruce Bennett

Your facilitation and coaching have helped me move out of the stories and become clear about my dreams

David Gerard

Larry who would have thought a chance meeting would have such an amazing impact on my life. Your invitation to have a conversation was the foundation for the clarity and insight I’ve gained since we started working together.

Your facilitation and coaching have helped me move out of the stories I had been telling myself and become clear about my dreams. Then you inspired me to move forward with creating my own coaching business. A dream that I have had for as long as I can remember, but never thought I would create it.

Thank you for all your support, encouragement and direction to be a coach. Thanks to you I’m pursuing my calling.

David Gerard
Dare to Know Possibilities

Thank you for showing up for me in my times of need

Isabel Garbanzo


“Thank you for showing up for me in my times of need. You’ve been a special friend for many years”

Isa Garbanzo

Thanks for bringing so much joy and peace into my hectic life.

Linda Marie Rogers


Thanks for bringing so much joy and peace into my hectic life. I’m very grateful for our friendship.”

Linda Marie Rogers