Welcome to Larry’s Inspirational Corner

Welcome to Larry’s Inspirational Corner This website is about the insights about life I’ve discovered while living mine, combined with insights from others I’ve learned from. This site also includes the service offers I’ll be making at this stage in my life (I feel I’m in the “Gifted” time of my life.  I’m now 81 years. Over the years people have come to me asking for these main services…. 1.  Help  me gain clarity regarding what’s next for me in my life. 2.  Help me move forward to achieve what I’ve stated I want. 3.  In business, help my team get focused and centered and then provide support for them to take the action necessary to manifest our stated and Read more…

Step Through The Gate Into Your New Life

I’m a seasoned, richly experienced business & life transition coach that works with independent professionals and privately owned businesses. My unique gift is helping individuals deal with major loss in their life and their personal development. In businesses I help with business development utilizing my gifts in strategic planning facilitation, marketing & sales, and leadership development. To support my clients in achieving their goals I’ve blended my personal business development and strategic planning facilitation experience with life coaching, somatic coaching and equine guided coaching training to help people move through their “blocked” or “stuck” areas (their gates) to achieve their goals. I founded Stepping Through The Gate and Living The Good Life On Purpose and do business primarily in WI, Read more…

My Life is Like a Garden Hose

One day, when putting on a Life Planning workshop with horses, I had an epiphany. That is…..my life is like a garden hose directing the life force (of water). When I was learning to be an Equine Guided Coach, I volunteered to water and feed horses on weekends to get over my fear of horses. I’d take the garden hose to the stall and fill up the water bucket inside the stall. There were two places to turn on the water. One at the hydrant where the hose was attached. The second was at the end of the hose that you put into the bucket hanging in the horse stall. As I was putting on a life planning workshop I Read more…

Let Horses Be Your Guide

When I first started working as a business development specialist, there were two primary areas that I focused my efforts on: 1) helping people get clear about what they wanted to create in their lives. 2) helping them take the actions necessary to create the desired results. By applying problem-solving facilitation techniques, I quickly realized that I could help most people get clear about what they wanted to do, but when it came to implementation many people simply did not have the body for action. With this in mind, I began my search for a better way to help people eliminate the inaction that holds them back. I decided to learn about personal coaching. At the time, “coaching” was a Read more…

Larry and his horse

Conquer Fears & Overwhelm – One Rapid at a Time

This story is about a couple of ways to manage fear that came to me while I was on a white water rafting trip in Costa Rica with my son, Michael.  These ideas have been applicable on a number of occasions when I’ve been “stuck” because of fear or overwhelm. Here’s what happened. Michael had just graduated from college and it was an opportunity for a father and son bonding experience. One challenging thing about the experience for me was that when I was Michael’s age I had been tossed out of a canoe trying to shoot white-water rapids in Minnesota and had a life-threatening experience. Once I was out of the canoe the river kept tumbling me over and Read more…

Comparisons:  Inspiration, Encouragement or Sabotage?

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second-rate version of someone else.” — Judy Garland As children grow up, they look to role models for examples of how to live a good life and be successful. As adults, we continue to be aware of the success of those around us, and sometimes look to others for inspiration and encouragement that what we most desire is achievable. But one thing I’ve been intrigued with in recent days is whether comparisons truly leave us feeling encouraged and inspired, or do they sabotage our efforts. I have struggled on and off for years to manage my weight and remain physically fit. As I have struggled to find a solution that Read more…

Good Grief: How “Letting Go” Can Bring New Beginnings

Several years ago I learned I have atrial fibrillation. I didn’t realize it’s a pretty common condition for people over 70. As human beings, we are constantly learning. We seek out information on a given topic out of interest (how to play the guitar, or learn how to use my iPhone) or necessity (how to maintain a car). All learning has value, but I have found that it is particularly satisfying and valuable when interest and necessity intersect in the process. Learning how to grieve has been that type of learning experience for me. I learned out of necessity when my wife Shirley died of leukemia at 39 years of age and I became a widower with 4 children.  My Read more…

Jack of All Trades…Master of None

Capitalize On Your Natural Gifts and Talents Wherever They Take You (Where Your Values Line Up) When I was 27 I received some excellent advice which I’ve been following throughout my career. One evening a fellow Toastmaster announced he had just been promoted to be the plant manager of a major manufacturing plant in the city I worked in. After the meeting I went up to congratulate him on his success and found the courage to ask him ”What do you attribute your success to?” His response has stuck with me to this day. He said, “You know Larry, I’m not a very smart guy. In fact I didn’t finish high school. Oh, eventually I got my GED when I Read more…